Sunstone faceted, is feldspar group, sometime it is also called aventurine feldspar, limited production and availability. The inclusions of red, orange or green platy crystals, which give it a metallic glitter. This quality of faceted sunstone is coming from Tanzania.
Black sunstone is from India, relatively new finding. No much information available, it claims to be Aventurine but also quartzes. It is feldspar group.
Sunstone Cabochon is feldspar group, sometime it is also called aventurine feldspar, the inclusions of red, orange or green platy crystals, which give it a metallic glitter. This cab of sunstone is coming from India, mostly free sizes.
Imperial Topaz which is only natural topaz, this topaz is from Brazil, first we make it cabochon, then put facets on it , its beauty is its internal inclusions, color goes from golden to pink. Pink Topaz is most valuable, Natural pink is very rare, mostly it is heat treated.
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